Mission Completed

Mars Analog Mission Successfully Completed


As official logistics partner, Gebrüder Weiss supported the 13th Mars Analog Mission Amadee-20 of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF).

Towards the Red Planet

Never before has a human set foot on Mars. But preparations for doing so in the foreseeable future are in full swing.

Amadee-20: In settings analogous to conditions on Mars, highly trained astronauts have been isolated from their normal environments on Earth, enabling them to test equipment and workflows for astronautical and robotic explorations of the Red Planet. Gebrüder Weiss supported as official logistics partner this research by delivering the Austrian Space Forum’s equipment from Innsbruck to Israel. The simulation there was successfully completed between October 4 and October 31.

Read in our special feature of our ATLAS issue, what a Mars Analog Mission is, why these missions are conducted, and how exactly Gebrüder Weiss is supporting it.

Read more

  • Accompanying this Mars mission is like getting a little glimpse into the future of logistics. It’s all very fun and inspiring! We are learning a lot through this partnership and thank the OeWF for their professional cooperation. We will continue to support pioneering mobility projects.

    Frank Haas, Head of Corporate Brand Strategy & Communications at Gebrüder Weiss

Orange Mission Control

Since pioneering activities and young minds go well together, we have specifically involved our junior staff in the work to organize this complex transport order.

Under supervision, four apprentices handled all logistic tasks, customs clearance and transport of the mission equipment.

Our Team



Sophia was responsible for coordination with the logistics department and ensured smooth communication.



Robert took care of the highly sensitive equipment and the loading of delicate freight for the scientific experiments.



To avoid any problems on the way, Nico was the central contact for all customs formalities and the necessary documents.



Rene had the overview of the entire transport route and ensured that everything went according to plan on the way to Israel.

Stay informed: Under the hashtag #marsmonday you will find all the interesting posts about this future project. From the preparation for the mission by our apprentices to pictures directly from the desert as well as exciting insights that we have prepared for you after the mission.

Stay tuned
