Parcel Recovery Service

Shipment Audits & Refund Credits for DHL, FedEx & UPS

The Gebrüder Weiss Parcel Recovery service provides audits and refund credits for your DHL, FedEx and UPS invoices. A comprehensive audit is performed on each shipment, and actions are immediately taken to secure refund credits on late shipments, billing mistakes, lost or damaged shipments and more. Refunds are then applied as credits to your shipping invoices.

Key points included in the audit: Negotiated rate compliance, base discount, minimum charges, earned discount, dimension weight factor, dimensional weight, rated weight, hundredweight, manifest voids, billing mistakes, address corrections, residential delivery surcharges, delivery area surcharges, extended delivery area surcharges, double billed shipment, double billed invoice, collect shipments, international import & export, bill to third-party account, third-party payee shipments, Saturday pickup and delivery, late payment fee, return service labels & many more.

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