Client: Tridonic – a global leader for lighting projects and products
Situation: With multiple production sites in Asia, worldwide distribution centers, and high import and export volume over the year, the lighting giant is seeking for a trusted logistics partner to ensure a seamless supply chain management.
- Set-up central materials supply hubs
- Buyer consolidation concept
- Implement GW warehouse management system
- Secure space with major airline and shipping line to make sure the smooth inbound and outbound flows even in peak season
- Set up 2 control towers in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to manage different phases of supply chain
GW advantages:
- One-stop solution to manage both air & sea import, export, warehousing, domestics transports with single point of contact
- Shorten lead time
- Leverage GW global network
- Accurate stock level report
- A team of experts with positive and can-do attitude