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Barrierefreie Anpassungen
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Seheinschränkungen Unterstützung für Menschen, die schlecht sehen
Texte vorlesen Hilfestellung für Nutzer, die Probleme beim Lesen von Onlinetexten haben
Kognitive Einschränkungen Hilfestellung beim Lesen und beim Erkennen wichtiger Elemente
Neigung zu Krampfanfällen Animationen werden deaktiviert und gefährliche Farbkombinationen reduziert
Konzentrationsschwäche Ablenkungen werden reduziert und ein klarer Fokus gesetzt
Screenreader Die Website wird so verändert, das sie mit Screenreadern kompatibel ist
Tastatursteuerung Die Webseite kann mit der Tastatur genutzt werden
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Individuelle Anpassungen

Corporate Culture

What we value most

We offer our employees a working environment in which they feel comfortable, can get things moving, develop solutions and help shape processes. We foster exchanges between different cultures; we appreciate and enjoy opportunities to try different options and discover new things. At the same time, we demand high levels of commitment, dedication and personal initiative. Together we can achieve great things.

Collaboration – feel orange

The Gebrüder Weiss success story is fueled by all its employees pooling their efforts and actively supporting each other. We promote cooperation between different genders, generations and ethnicities – as well as between business units, subsidiaries, countries and our partner and customer networks the world over.

Collaboration – feel orange

Quality – perform orange

We impress our customers with our quality and service excellence. In order to maintain this ambitious positioning, we demand a high degree of commitment from our employees and attach great importance to their ongoing training. Being a learning organization, mental agility is at least as important to us as geographic mobility.

Quality – perform orange

Independence – be orange

As a family-run entity, independence has always been a core value for Gebrüder Weiss. It provides security and allows scope for creativity. We promote self-reliance in our employees and encourage them to enjoy their work – by giving them the freedom to make their own decisions and take the initiative as often as possible.

Independence – be orange

Are these values important to you too? Then join us in the orange world!

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