Compliance at Gebrüder Weiss


We at Gebrüder Weiss have been aware of our responsibility for generations: We bring values to life in our daily work. The compliance program is our way at Gebrüder Weiss of applying these values to the challenges of today, the aim being to meet the demands of both our customers and the authorities. There are four pillars making up the compliance program: the Gebrüder Weiss Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption Policy, Third Party Management, and regular employee training on matters regarding the compliance program.

Declaration of principle Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LKSG)
The deliberate integration of the LKSG guidelines as a declaration of principle into our compliance strategy underlines our commitment to ethical and responsible business activities. By identifying, assessing and responding appropriately to risks in our supply chain, we meet our responsibility to society and our environment. This step reinforces our goal of making a positive contribution to a fairer and more sustainable global economy beyond basic compliance with legal regulations.

Compliance Portal
Compliance is an issue that has become increasingly important in view of the company’s expansive growth abroad and the ever-growing number of legal requirements. It is for this reason that Gebrüder Weiss set up a compliance organization with officers serving as neutral contacts to answer any compliance-related question. This organization comprises a Compliance Committee made up of managers from Legal, Internal Audit, HSEQ (CAS), Product Management and HRD. The committee meets twice a year and on an ad-hoc basis as needed. It is also responsible for preparing the annual compliance report, including a risk analysis for the following year. You can make anonymous notes via the Compliance Portal if you believe that laws affecting Gebrüder Weiss are being broken.
We will carefully review any information provided and take the appropriate action.

Compliance Portal